Customer Loyalty & Segmentation


Customers play a very important factor in the success or failure of a company, they may behave differently or they may have different requirements, depending on their culture or environment. Companies need to realize all these factors and act accordingly with the aim of creating a full-fledged customer strategy. Moreover, the process of segmentation has become an extremely important tool for marketing directors which allows them to channel their investments and define the opportunities that would optimize their growth.


We help our clients in implementing qualitative researches that highlight customers’ directions, requirements, what impacts their decision-making procedures, and how they are affected by different products or brand names. We also help our clients in establishing a segmentation base by which they acquire the necessary vision that will help them to succeed in the ever-changing and multifaceted market environment today.


To maintain customer loyalty, companies need to investigate the motivations, feelings, and principles that affect customers during their buying process. We provide our clients with the necessary tools to implement this investigation and we help in incorporating the methods by which they can measure their customers’ loyalty. As a result, our clients are able to identify the factors that advocate their product or service, and how the method they apply in handling their customer relations, segmentation and pricing strategies is the motivator behind their success in the market.

We deliver:

  • Qualitative researches highlighting customers’ directions, needs and decision-making processes.

  • We provide a segmentation platform for our clients that allow them to measure customer behaviours in the market.

  • Tools for implementing the necessary investigation that will help in measuring customer loyalty.

  • Methods to identify success factors that impact customer relations.